This blog post is all about simple moving checklist objectives for relocating.
Is it THAT time for you? You know, the time where you make that big step and move on to another town/city, state, or even country… Well, I am here to help you out with this.
The thought of moving trucks, security deposits, and choosing a moving company could be overwhelming. I want to make this process as easy as possible for you using key things that I learned from personal experience.
We know that every relocating experience is different. So I made a comprehensive checklist anyone could use to navigate this process.
In this blog post, we will give you a general overview of what you will need to do in order to relocate. We will provide examples from personal experiences and multiple ways to apply these items.
After reading this, I hope that you will be ready to get this moving plan started. If you plan to relocate and do not know where to start. Then keep scrolling!
Make the decision to relocate
The first thing that you have to do is make a decision to relocate. Relocating because of a job or just for a better quality of life is major and It will be a big decision to make.
There are many factors that can come into play when making such a life-changing decision and life-changing it can be. You will be starting over and for some that can be a tremendous shift to the normal and daily things that you may be used to. Making the decision to relocate is definitely one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make and I know this from experience.
When I decided to relocate to a new state, the hardest part of the decision for me was am I ready. Am I truly ready to push forward with this move? I decided that “yes” I‘m ready and if I don’t do it I would definitely regret that I did not try.
I realized that once I was ready to relocate, that the decision became a part of my everyday nature. All I could think about was relocating, but where was I relocating to?
Know where you’re going and do your research

So, once your decision is made to relocate your next decision is to know where you’re going. There are so many beautiful places to relocate to, what will be your deciding factor? Will it be the cost of living? Are you relocating because of your job position or just a better job opportunity?
Are you relocating to be closer to family? Do you want to live somewhere fast-paced or do you want to slow down a bit? Are you relocating long-term or just for now? Let’s not forget schools, healthcare, safety, transportation, recreation, and climate because they all play a big part.
Have you ever been on your way to work and got in the wrong lane? You know, that school drop-off lane and now you’re stuck.. I knew for me and my husband relocating from Connecticut that some of the biggest things for us would be climate, transportation, and safety.
At the time we decided to relocate our son was going off to college so recreation was still needed but wasn’t a big factor. I still needed to decide where?
I began to research different states that I’ve visited and some states we’ve never been to before. I researched the cost of relocating dozens of times.
I researched everything that I can possibly think of, I mean everything and then I found a state that I truly adored but ‘what if’ continuously found its way into my thoughts.
Don’t let ‘What If’ stop you
Just remember this, thoughts become things so do not let the thought of ‘what if’ stop you from completing your journey planned ahead. It’s okay to be scared, it’s not always going to be easy. There will be confusion and some mishaps along the way, hard times
may come and come again but that’s okay because you made a decision, you know where you’re going so commit to your plan.
Commit to your plan

Okay, so I really think that this is the hardest part of relocating. Commitment, you have to commit to your plan, this is it! Now it’s time to set a date, when do you want to leave?
Be real with yourself, stay honest with yourself, and create your outcome. In my relocation plan I was fully committed but my husband wasn’t, he needed more structure and knowing how impulsive I am, I was very honest in is very unstructured and no plan is 100% fail proof but my commitment, persistence and outcome can be. Now that’s some real, he decided to get on board and get with the plan.
Don’t wait for tomorrow, today

Now is not the time for procrastination. Now that you’re committed to your relocation plan and the momentum begins to build and push forward remain engaged.
Don’t wait for tomorrow, today start to apply for jobs, look at apartments and homes online, start a mood board, make a checklist of the places you want to see, search for the best restaurants and entertainment, join some FB groups and make some friends. Search and find things that you would love to explore in your new location.
Go explore
Take time out to see what your new town/city, state, or country is all about. Learn as much helpful information as you can. This information will encourage your housing, working/schooling, and transportation decisions.
Explore and go everywhere you possibly can, grocery stores, markets, shops, gas stations, hospitals/clinics, access to highways, hotels, apartments, neighborhoods, nightlife, etc. This will be your new location so explore, enjoy and learn all that it has to offer.
Saving does not mean, overthinking

I’m really not going to spend too much time on this. My husband and I saved a good bit of money to relocate but when we went to visit South Carolina we couldn’t find an apartment.
Knowing that we both would be leaving our jobs in Connecticut without new jobs in South Carolina we wondered if we had saved enough.
So we sold everything from our apartment and gave some things away. We jumped in our car with our clothes, shoes, and some personal belongings, 1TV, and our dog. Keeping our commitment to
Our relocation plan. Made it safely to South Carolina and stayed in a hotel for 10 days because we had no family or friends here. By our 3rd day, I found a full-time position about the 5th day my husband found a full-time position.
On that 7th day, we found a gorgeous apartment, close to work, dog friendly, and hit a scratch-off for $2500. So overthinking will only take your energy away, it will not add nor subtract from your savings.
Get excited
Get pumped up for your relocation, this is a major event in your life. Talk about it, talk about all your excitement and what you’re nervous about as well. Bringing these things up in conversation will definitely help.
Don’t be afraid of someone else’s opinion, remember positive feedback is the only feedback that matters but let me tell you, people will be negative.
The thing is relocating is big and you are doing what many people wish they could. So, share your excitement, feel yourself there already. You are relocating..go head with your bad shelf.
Be perfectly okay with leaving something behind

This may make you sad but it really shouldn’t. When you choose to move/relocate you know for sure somethings can’t come with you. Leaving some possessions behind or loved ones, family, friends or even your job can really be hard and affect your decision to relocate.
But understand that you have to do what is always best for you in any situation and make the best decision for you.
I’ve learned in life that when you base your decisions on other people’s circumstances that you are no longer living for your own happiness and that is a big mistake.
Be wise and be perfectly okay with leaving something behind so you can move forward.
Let’s go
Let’s go!! Are you ready? Are you excited? Or just over it at this point? Whelp, it doesn’t matter because you are officially relocating.
Relocating for me was really one of the best things I’ve ever done and one of the greatest experiences for me. I made my planning simple.
I didn’t want to get overwhelmed by the move that was a key component for me. Another big thing for me is remaining positive about the move, filtering frustrations, actually writing them down, and finding solutions.
I did not let money stop me nor hover over my relocation plan once I felt I’ve saved enough, enough was enough. If I could do it all over again, I probably would’ve relocated sooner. I have a better quality of life and am super grateful for it every day.
Thank you.